Student Violations

This list of student or student organization violations is merely illustrative and should not be taken to be all inclusive. A student or student organization is subject to disciplinary action whenever the behavior violates university behavioral standards, the Code, or federal, state, and local laws. Students away from the campus as university representatives are subject to disciplinary action by the university for breaches of conduct.

Students away from the campus as university representatives are subject to disciplinary action by the university for breaches of conduct. The accompanying sponsor is authorized to maintain good order and good representation during the trip. Upon return to campus, students may be disciplined for misconduct during the trip.

Below is a list of the following, along with definitions:

  1. Academic Dishonesty
  2. Aiding, Abetting, or Concealing Violations
  3. Alcoholic Beverages
  4. Classroom Disruption
  5. Conduct Inappropriate for an Academic Setting
  6. Destruction, Misuse, Damage, or Defacing of Property
  7. Disrespect for Authority
  8. Disturbance/Disruption Due to a Mental Disorder
  9. Failure to Respond to a Summons From a University Official
  10. False Reporting of Emergency
  11. Falsification, Forgery, and Dishonesty
  12. Gambling
  13. Group Offenses
  14. Hazing
  15. Illegal Selling of Books
  16. Illegal Visits to Other Campus
  17. Illegal Use of Telephones
  18. Interference with Emergency Evacuation Procedure
  19. Lewd, Indecent, or Obscene Behavior
  20. Obstruction or Disruption
  21. Physical Abuse
  22. Possession of Firearms and other Dangerous Weapons or Explosives
  23. Possession, Sale, or Consumption of Narcotics, Depressants, Stimulants, Hallucinogens, or Solvents
  24. Raiding University Facilities
  25. Reproduction of Materials
  26. Sexual Harassment
  27. Sexual Assault/Forcible or Non-Forcible Sex Offenses
  28. Smoking on Campus
  29. Starting Fires or Other Acts of Arson
  30. Unauthorized Appropriation of Property
  31. Unauthorized Demonstration and Mass Gatherings
  32. Unauthorized Entry
  33. Unauthorized Possession
  34. Unauthorized Soliciting, Advertising, Selling, and Distribution of Material
  35. Unauthorized Use or Alteration of Emergency or Safety Equipment
  36. Verbal Abuse
  37. Violation of the Code of Computer Ethics and Misuse of the Computer System
  38. Violation of Sanctions

More information on the student conduct process can be found HERE.