Smiling student getting a Master's in Middle Education degree.

Master of Education in Education: Middle Education Concentration

The Master of Education in Education (M.Ed.) with a Middle Education Concentration is for earning initial licensure in teaching two of four major content areas in 4-8th grade (math, science, English language arts and/or social studies).

At this level, students are starting to understand and wonder about the bigger issues and ideas, but are still young enough to approach learning as play. As a middle school teacher, you will integrate elements of both elementary and secondary education into your teaching practice.

The M.Ed. in middle childhood education offers an initial licensure track to those with a degree in an area other than education. This program leads to licensure in content areas: math, science, language arts, and/or social studies. Each person’s transcript will be assessed on an individual basis in order to develop a program specifically for that candidate. Some courses require a field placement in a local school. Please contact our Director of Placement and Licensure, Heather Newsam, for more details. All courses are offered online.

Job Security and Advancement

While the licensure requirements vary from state to state, teachers who have established a good work ethic and reputation don’t have to worry too much about finding a job. Because teachers are in such high demand, you have almost guaranteed job security – employment of middle school teachers is expected to increase by 4% by 2024 according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics.

You have the opportunity to not only guide new and experienced teachers through Lead Teacher appointments and mentorship programs, but also to shape the educational environment by becoming an assistant principal, principal, or district level administrator.

Admission Requirements

  • Baccalaureate degree from a regionally accredited institution with a cumulative grade point average of at least 2.75 (4.0 scale), OR
  • GPA of at least 3.0 for the last 60 hours of undergraduate courses, OR
  • Master’s degree from a regionally accredited institution with a cumulative GPA of at least 3.0
  • Submit required entrance exam scores in reading, writing, and math
  • Admitted to the UA Little Rock Graduate School

The UA Little Rock graduate level, first-time licensure programs (M.Ed. in Education for all content areas, middle childhood, and special education licensure tracks, and the Graduate Certificate in Education) will accept as an admission exam these ACT scores at or above a minimum:

  • Math 19
  • Reading 19
  • Writing 6 or English/Writing combined 19

If an individual has taken the ACT multiple times, we will consider the highest score in each category from those multiple exams. Please read the admission requirements for more information about test scores.

After being admitted, you will select one of the four content areas in Middle Childhood: Math, Science, English Language Arts, or Social Studies.

Licensure and Field Placement Requirements

To be eligible for a provisional teaching license in Arkansas, students enrolled in the program must meet the following criteria:

  • Be fully admitted to the UA Little Rock Graduate School and in good standing in an educational program of study
  • Continually take classes in their program of study
  • Submit required entrance exam scores in reading, writing, and math
  • Pass the Praxis Subject Assessments required for their licensure area
  • Complete the online ProEthica requirement
  • Complete and clear background checks (State Police, FBI, and Child Maltreatment Central Registry)
  • Complete the application for the provisional license.
  • Receive a viable job offer to teach in their licensure area and grade level at a site approved by the Arkansas Department of Elementary and Secondary Education (DESE)
  • Meet any other licensure requirements for their chosen licensure area as required by the DESE

Students who do not meet the above criteria must complete traditional field placements and an internship in a cooperating teacher’s classroom during normal school hours.

Graduation Requirements

  • Cumulative GPA of at least 3.0 on an approved program of study
  • Successful completion and defense of an exit portfolio
  • Passing scores on all Praxis II examinations required by the Arkansas Department of Education for Middle School Education

Successful completion of the licensure program is not based solely on the number of course credits but requires demonstration of specified professional knowledge, skills, behaviors, and dispositions. Failure to progress satisfactorily might result in a student being removed from the program. While a student may require additional time to meet some performance expectations, the faculty may limit that time and reserves the right to drop a student from the licensure program should appropriate progress not be demonstrated.

Please contact Dr. Andrew Hunt or submit a request if you have questions.

Middle Level & Teacher Education Courses

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