Dr. Carolyn Pearson

Notable Education Editor

Dr. Carolyn Pearson is one of the country’s most notable education journal editors. She is executive editor of the No. 7-ranked Journal of Educational Research, recognized in the industry for its influence on children’s development and education. She is among top scholars who are invited to provide editorial review services for publications such as the Journal of Teacher Education, Urban Education, and Research in the Schools, and the Mental Measurements yearbook. Her manuscript review process to determine quality and importance, a daunting responsibility, provides a vital service that links theory, research, practice, and policy framework.

Dr. Pearson’s expertise spans multiple divisions and specializations, making her an ideal proposal reviewer and session chair at the American Educational Research Association’s annual conference. Her skills in pursuing funding have resulted in bringing to the university and the state programs such as No Child Left Behind and the Arkansas Improving Teacher and Principal Quality: P-16 Education Partnership to the university and the state. She has also served on the Arkansas Leadership Academy, Research and Data Collection Committee.

A professor in UA Little Rock’s Department of Educational Leadership since 2004, Pearson received a doctorate in measurement and evaluation, a master’s degree in epidemiology and biostatistics, and a bachelor’s degree in health education from the University of South Florida in Tampa.

Updated 3.30.2011

Posted in: 2010, Public Service

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