Michael T. DeAngelis

Donaghey College of Engineering and Information Technology

Michael DeAngelis Michael T. DeAngelis, Associate Professor of Earth Sciences

  • Dr. DeAngelis teaches courses in physical geology, field geology, mineralogy, environmental geology, igneous and metamorphic petrology, planetary geology, and geology of specific regions like the Upper Midwest and the South Appalachians.
  • He is known as a professor who is always working to improve and innovate. For example, in his Environmental Geology course, he introduced the use of Google Classroom coupled with InTeGrate and GETSI (Geodesy Tools for Societal Issues) modules from the Science Education Resource Center at Carleton College. The purpose was to transition this course from a traditional lecture style to an active-learning course rich in digital resources.
  • In a support letter, a veteran professor who has observed Dr. DeAngelis teaching describes him this way: “He has a knack for teaching. He knows his content very well. He is wonderful at explaining difficult concepts. He has a very broad range of pedagogical strategies and techniques. He is always aware of his audience and how the information he is uncovering affects them. Most importantly, he is acutely aware of the needs of his students – having what we all remember in good teachers as eyes in the back of his head.”
Posted in: 2020, Teaching

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