Internal Service Delivery

The “Create Internal Service Delivery” business process allows UA Little Rock departments to charge UA Little Rock departments for services rendered or products provided. The “Create Internal Service Delivery” business process should only be used for transactions between UA Little Rock departments or units.  The “Create Internal Service Delivery” process replaces Banner internal income transactions and the BOSS back charge process.

Before you can initiate the “Create Internal Service Delivery” business process, your department will need to be set up as an Internal Service Provider in Workday. To request a new Internal Service Provider for your department, please use the following form.

Contact Financial Services if you have questions or need assistance: 501-916-3318

Internal Service Provider Request

Your Name(Required)
Please provide a descriptive name for the Internal Service Provider. For example; Printing Services, Communications, or Health Services.
Workday Role: Identify Transaction Entry Person(Required)
Please name the employee who will primarily enter Internal Service Delivery transactions in Workday.
Workday Role: Identify Transaction Approver(Required)
Please name the employee who will APPROVE Internal Service Delivery transactions in Workday.
List the Worktag (Cost Center, Designated Worktag, Grant Worktag, etc.) where the revenue is to be posted.
Describe the types of services or goods that will be provided to other campus departments, grant programs, etc.