Student Spotlight: Kwasi Harshaw

Kwasi Harshaw of Little Rock is a junior who is studying Mass Communication with an emphasis in motion pictures. Kwasi is passionate about writing and math, and has made the Dean’s List four semesters in a row.

In addition to his classwork, Kwasi has done some work for the City of Little Rock, including photographing and filming a three-day 501C3 conference event.

What made you choose the UA Little Rock School of Mass Communication?
“I’m interested in becoming a filmmaker, and Mass Comm is the required major for that career.”

What has been your favorite memory at UA Little Rock so far?
“So far, my favorite memory was my first day of shooting my final narrative short film for Introduction to Media Production.”

Where do you see yourself in five years?
“I see myself working at Tyler Perry’s studio in Atlanta.”

Is there anything else you’d like to share about yourself?
“I have 6 older siblings. My name means born on Sunday and comes from West Africa.”


Posted in: Mass Communication News

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