Scholarship Application for Undergraduate Students

Please take some time to fill out the scholarship application below. If you would prefer a hard copy, please follow the link for a PDF version of the application.

View the list of available Mass Communication scholarships.

Instructions: Please complete the entire application. If the application is incomplete, you may not be considered for a scholarship. Respond to each section as accurately as possible. The deadline for submitting this scholarship application is noon, MARCH 1, for the current academic year. For a list of available scholarships and scholarship requirements and specifications, see the UALR School of Mass Communication web site’s scholarships page.

Personal Information: Name(Required)
Mailing Address(Required)
Home Address (If different than mailing address)
This will act as your signature
MM slash DD slash YYYY
I certify that all information and statements I have provided on this application are true and correct to the best of my knowledge. Donors or agencies outside of UA Little Rock occasionally request information contained on this application. I permit the release of educational, personal, and financial information to the individual donors or outside agencies, to be considered for scholarships. I understand that an incomplete or falsified application may cause me to be disqualified.