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UALR presents Walk the 200 fitness competition

Organizers of the University of Arkansas at Little Rock’s Employee Wellness program are encouraging all university employees to join the Walk the 200 fitness competition. From Oct. 10 to Nov. 20, participants are challenged to walk at least 200 minutes per week.

Organizers of the University of Arkansas at Little Rock’s Employee Wellness program are encouraging all university employees to join the Walk the 200 fitness competition.

From Oct. 10 to Nov. 20, participants are challenged to walk at least 200 minutes per week. At the end of each week, employees will document their times for a chance to win Visa gift cards, exercise bands, ab rollers, and foot massage rollers. Because names of participants will be randomly selected to win prizes, participants don’t have to worry about trying to outperform the competition.

The overall goal of the fitness challenge is to promote healthier lifestyles among UALR employees that will positively impact their home and work lives.

To be a part of the competition, sign up at the employee wellness website. For additional information regarding the competition, contact Karl Lenser at