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Kanekar to present webinar as part of Blackboard’s Innovative Teaching Series

Amar Kanekar

Dr. Amar Kanekar, a graduate program coordinator of the Health Education and Promotion program at the University of Arkansas at Little Rock, will present a webinar on service learning in an online course as part of Blackboard’s Innovative Teaching Series. 

In March, Kanekar was honored as a recipient of the 2017-18 Blackboard Exemplary Course Program Award for his class, “Health Education Program Evaluation,” a senior-level online course that focuses on health program planning and evaluation.

Since winning the award, Kanekar was invited to present a seminar as part of Blackboard’s Innovative Teaching Series of webcasts. Kanekar’s seminar, “E-hybrid model: Service learning in a distance learning course,” will begin at 2 p.m. Thursday, Oct. 25.

Participants will learn about creating and implementing a service-learning course in an online environment and best practices in using reflections of service-learning work. Another interesting feature of this course is an option for a photovoice project to depict community needs.

Kanekar has completed the Blackboard Learn Advanced training and served as a guest speaker for UA Little Rock’s Summer Academy for Online Teaching Excellence in the past. He has also received a Quality Matters certificate for one of his online courses this year and received one of the first Open Education Resource mini grants from UA Little Rock in 2017.

In continuing his recent achievements, Kanekar has also been accepted as a peer reviewer for the Society for Public Health Education journal, “Health Education and Behavior.”

Additionally, his article, “Designing an E-Learning Health Promotion Course: Meeting the National Benchmarks,” has been published in Volume 4, Issue 3 of the journal “Pedagogy in Health Promotion.”

For more information and to register for the webinar, visit the Blackboard Innovative Teaching Series website.