Interactions with Government Officials policy

UALR faces critical issues at the local, state, and federal government levels, and a coordinated front for the university in interacting with government officials is essential. Issues range from funding of salaries, finding resources for instructional and research programs, navigating policy issues around all areas of academic programs, and developing key partnerships for working on community and state needs.

UALR policy 204.6 outlines processes for working with the Office of Government Relations, which is headed by Joni Lee, UALR’s Chief Government Relations Officer. Ms Lee is available to work with individual faculty or staff members, as well as any UALR department that has linkages and issues related to government offices. She represents the campus at the State Capitol with the Arkansas General Assembly, the Office of the  Governor, and other state agencies. Ms. Lee also coordinates the campus’s interaction with our Congressional delegation offices and many federal departments in Arkansas and in Washington, DC.

I encourage each of you to familiarize yourself with the policy. If you have questions about its impact on you or your department, please let Ms. Lee know. She will be glad to visit with individuals or with departments that have questions about government relations’ activities. Please be aware that, with the passage and implementation of Amendment 94 in 2015 to that state constitution, there are new regulations around the expenditure of state resources on items for elected officials and for participation of elected officials in a number of events and activities in the public arena.

By seeking support and input from our Chief Government Relations Officer, you will help to ensure that your interactions with elected officials and government offices are coordinated, better informed, and do not, unintentionally, adversely affect the interests of the university.

Joel E. Anderson, Chancellor
January 19, 2016

Posted in: Policy News & Updates

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