UPDATE to Class Attendance and Withdrawal – LR 404.4

On September 30, 2022, Chancellor Christina Drale approved updates passed by the Faculty Senate to policy Class Attendance and Withdrawal – LR 404.4.

Summary of changes:

  • Addition of language to clarify student responsibility for withdrawing from a registered class.
  • Removal of the statement: “On or before the 10th day of classes, students who have not attended class or who have not met their payment obligations will be administratively withdrawn.
    • This statement was in conflict with the required Acknowledgement of Financial Responsibility, which states: “I understand that upon my registration, I have made a contractual financial obligation to pay all tuition and fees associated with any classes in which I register, unless I drop/withdraw by the tuition and fee adjustment dates listed on the Bursar’s website. ‘Not Attending’ does not remove this obligation.”
Posted in: Policy News & Updates

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