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- Office of Admissions will generate a daily list of all applicants who complete and submit an undergraduate application for admission with felony conviction. The report will be distributed to the Director of Admissions or designee and the Office of the Dean of Students.
- Immediately upon receipt of the daily report:
- Admissions
- The director or designee will post an “FL” decision on the application that will stop all processing and letter generation.
- Office of the Dean of Students
- The Dean of Students or designee will impose a “DD” flag (DOS Admissions Clearance) on applicant’s account that will block registration.
- The Dean of Students or designee will send a letter to the applicant requesting additional information regarding criminal history.
- Admissions
- The University Behavioral Intervention Team (UBIT) committee will review, assess, and recommend admission decision within five (5) business days of receipt of additional information.
- The University Behavioral Intervention Team (UBIT) committee will submit the admission recommendation of the review committee in writing to the Director of Admissions within two (2) business days of the committee decision.
- Upon recommendation to admit:
- Admissions
- The director or designee will remove the “FL” decision on the application and resume review of the application and correspondence with application.
- Office of the Dean of Students
- The Dean of Students or designee will release the “DD” flag (DOS Admissions Clearance) on the applicant’s account to allow registration after the student is admitted.
- Admissions
- Upon recommendation to deny admission:
- Admissions
- The director or designee will notify the student of decision and add a “FL” hold flag which will block any future applications for admission. Application processing fee is not refundable for students who are denied admission.
- Office of the Dean of Students
- The Dean of Students or designee will notify the applicant by mail within two (2) days of the committee decision.
- The “DD” flag (DOS Admissions Clearance) remains on the applicant’s account to block registration.
- Admissions