
Want to learn how to be better with your money? We all do. Know where to start? That’s where we can help.

IMG_2250This spring, Staff Senate will be offering the Dave Ramsey SmartDollar program for UA Little Rock employees. This online program consists of 10 weekly sessions (March 19 – May 21) that can help you manage your money, from improving spending habits and knocking out debt to saving for college and planning for retirement. This tried and proven program has helped innumerable households get on track financially.

There are two options:

  • Group workshops, held every Thursday for 10 weeks in a lunch and learn setting held here on campus (limited to 24 employees; exact time to be determined based on survey results)
  • Independent study, which gives you the course materials and resources to do on your own time

No matter which option you choose, even after the 10 weeks is up, you will still have access to all of the tools and resources for a full year.

The course and all of the resources are available to all UA Little Rock employees for $130, which will be deducted through payroll. There are 24 spots in the workshop, but unlimited spots for the independent study.

BONUS! – We’re able to offer this course at HALF PRICE for 30 employees. To be eligible for the drawing, please complete the survey below and sign up for payroll deduction by noon on Friday, March 6.

Group Study Workshop: 24 workshop opportunities at ½ price for only $65
Independent Study Workshop: 6 workshop opportunities at ½ price for only $65