- Can I transfer to UA Little Rock even if I don’t have an associate degree?
- I got a “D” in a course. Will it transfer?
- Are there credits that will not automatically transfer to UA Little Rock?
- If I made a bad grade in a course from my transfer school can I take that course again at UA Little Rock and improve my G.P.A.?
- How and when will I know whether or not my courses have transferred?
- What is the Arkansas Course Transfer System (ACTS)?
Can I transfer to UA Little Rock even if I don’t have an associate’s degree?
Yes, you can transfer to UA Little Rock even without an associate’s degree. The Office of Transfer Student Services will evaluate your transcript(s) on a course-by-course basis to apply general education core courses to the core curriculum.
I got a “D” in a course. Will it transfer?
Undergraduate courses with grades of “C” or greater from an institutionally or regionally accredited institution will transfer to UA Little Rock. However, UA Little Rock’s Transfer of D Grades Policy allows students to transfer up to six credit hours of courses with grades of “D” if a grade of “D” would be accepted for credit in the corresponding courses at UA Little Rock.
Are there credits that will not automatically transfer to UA Little Rock?
UA Little Rock does not automatically transfer vocational, military, or technical credits from other universities. If you would like for UA Little Rock to transfer coursework of this nature then you may fill out our Request to Receive Credit for Technical and/or Military Credit form.
The above form will need to be printed and signed by your departmental advisor before finally being submitted to the Office of Records and Registration for processing.
Please note: You must have officially declared your major before either of these forms can be processed.
If I made a bad grade in a course from my transfer school can I take that course again at UA Little Rock and improve my G.P.A.?
No: Your G.P.A. at your previous college does not transfer to UA Little Rock. Any course that you repeat at UA Little Rock will contribute to your UA Little Rock G.P.A. but will not change the course grade at your previous college.
How and when will I know whether or not my courses transferred?
UA Little Rock accepts credits in transfer from any institutionally or regionally accredited institution. If you are attending a 2- or 4-year college or University within the State of Arkansas, you can view the Transfer Credit Equivalency Guide to determine whether or not your courses will transfer, as well as (i.e. course equivalency). When evaluating what transfers, know that although some of your courses will have a direct course equivalent at UA Little Rock, not all of your courses will. That does not mean, however, that it cannot be applied to satisfy core requirements at UA Little Rock.
Transfer credits will be evaluated only after a complete application for admission and all required documents including all final transcripts have been received.
What is the Arkansas Course Transfer System?
The Arkansas Course Transfer System (ACTS) contains information about the transferability of courses within Arkansas public colleges and universities. Students are guaranteed the transfer of applicable credits and equitable treatment in the application of credits for admissions and degree requirements. Students may complete specified General Education courses anywhere in the public system as well as many courses in the degree/major that have been pre-identified for transfer. Students transferring to UA Little Rock from another publicly supported Arkansas college or university should check with their adviser and the Arkansas Course Transfer System to ensure proper transfer of core or general education courses.