Information Quality Track

The Information Quality (IQ) track of the doctoral program in computer and information sciences provides a state-of-the-art curriculum that contributes new ideas to the information quality body of knowledge. The track also establishes partnerships with the industry, government, and professional societies.

IQ is an emerging discipline concerned with maximizing the value of an organization’s information assets while also minimizing risk, and assuring that the information products produced will create value for the customers who use them. Graduates are prepared to pursue a variety of careers such as chief data officer, director of data governance, and academic research and teaching roles.

The information quality track is available both on campus and fully online.

Information Quality Track Core

  • IFSC 7310 – Information Systems Analysis
  • IFSC 7321 – Information Science: Principles and Theory
  • IFSC 7320 – Database Systems / Info Architecture
  • INFQ 7303 – Principles of Information Quality
  • INFQ 7322 – Information Quality Theory
  • INFQ 7367 – Information Quality Policy and Strategy

Additional Requirements: Information Quality Track

Seating Availability: Admission may be denied or deferred if the track is at full enrollment. Full enrollment is reached when the Track Coordinator determines there are not enough available faculty, financial support, or other resources to adequately accommodate additional students in the track.

Background: Applicants for the Information Science Track are not required to have a specific degree background. However, all applicants are expected to have a basic working knowledge of computer programming, database programming, and statistics. Competencies in these areas may be gained demonstrated through formal course work, online training, or on-the-job experience. If unsure, please discuss with your track coordinator.

GRE Scores: Same as General Admission Requirements, however, GMAT scores of 500 or greater may be submitted in lieu of GRE scores.

Admission RequirementsCurriculum