What is BEST?
Boosting Engineering Science and Technology (BEST) is a national, eight-week robotics competition held each fall that is designed to help interest middle and high school students in possible STEM careers. BEST features two parallel competitions: a robotics game, which is based upon an annual theme with four teams competing at once in a series of three-minute, round-robin matches. The second competition is the BEST Award, which is presented to the team that best embodies the concept of Boosting Engineering, Science, and Technology. Elements for the BEST Award include a project summary notebook, oral presentation, table display, and spirit and sportsmanship. BEST Robotics is open to all grades and geared toward students in 6th through 12th grades.
Little Rock BEST held its first competition in 2009. It remains the longest continuously operating hub in Arkansas.
The 2024 game is entitled, “Low G”, and will be an in-person format at Little Rock BEST. Kick-Off will be held at UA Little Rock on September 14, 2024, with the competition culminating on Game Day – November 9, 2024.
There is no cost to compete – just time and energy!
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Registration link: https://registry.bestrobotics.org
Deadline to Register: September 3, 2024