Voting Members of the Assembly

The Assembly shall consist of all full-time faculty members with 50% or more responsibility in the college holding academic rank of Distinguished Professor, University Professor, Professor, Associate Professor, Assistant Professor, and Instructor and one student elected by the students of each academic unit of the college in such manner as that unit shall determine. Two college staff representatives shall be elected by the staff to two year staggered terms and these two staff representatives shall have voice and vote. All members have voice and vote. Professor emeriti, persons with adjunct, visiting, or research academic rank, lecturers, part-time faculty members, teaching assistants, and staff within the college have attendance and voice privileges but no vote in the Assembly. Questions concerning Assembly membership shall be resolved by the Assembly itself.


Staff Representatives

Term Ending 2020 Term Ending 2020
Amy Frets Dana Ball

Student Representatives

Department 2019-2020
Computer Science Vacant
Construction Management Vacant
Earth Science Vacant
Engineering Technology Vacant
Information Science Vacant
Systems Engineering Vacant