Elizabeth Pierce, Ph.D.
Associate Professor and Chair
- EIT Building, Room 551
- 501-916-5223
- Email: expierce@ualr.edu
- Website: https://ualr.edu/cstem/faculty/elizabeth-pierce/
Nitin Agarwal, Ph.D.
Jerry L. Maulden-Entergy Endowed Chair and Distinguished Professor of Information Science, Director of the Collaboratorium for Social Media and Online Behavioral Studies (COSMOS)
- EIT Building, Room 548
- 501-916-5224
- Email: nxagarwal@ualr.edu
- Website: https://agarwalnitin.com
- COSMOS Website: https://cosmos.ualr.edu/
Bruce L. Bauer, M.S.
Senior Instructor
- EIT Building, Room 558
- 501-916-5225
- Email: blbauer@ualr.edu
Daniel Berleant, Ph.D.
- EIT Building, Room 562
- 501-916-5226
- Email: jdberleant@ualr.edu
- Website: dberleant.github.io
Serhan Dagtas, Ph.D.
- EIT Building, Room 554
- 501-916-5227
- Email: sxdagtas@ualr.edu
Ahmed Abu-Halimeh, Ph.D.
Associate Professor
- EIT Building, Room 545
- 501-916-5236
- Email: aaabuhalime@ualr.edu
- EIT Building, Room 549
- 501-916-5228
- Email: jrtalburt@ualr.edu
- Website: John Talburt LinkedIn Page
M. Eduard Tudoreanu, D.Sc.
- EIT Building, Room 560
- 501-916-5229
- Email: metudoreanu@ualr.edu
- Website for Research
Thomas Wallace, M.A.
Program Coordinator – Web Design and Development / Information Technology Minor – Senior Instructor Information Science – DCSTEM Web Services
- EIT Building, Room 547
- 501-916-5230
- Email: tswallace@ualr.edu
- Website: https://thomaswallace.net
Richard Wang, Ph.D.
Director, Institute for Chief Data Officers
- EIT Building, Room 550
- 501-916-3951
- Email: rwang@mit.edu
- Website: Richard Wang Biography
Phil Williams, Ph.D.
Bioinformatics Tech Director
- Office: EIT Building, Room 326
- Phone: 501-916-5244
- Email: phwilliams@ualr.edu
- Website: MidSouth Bioinformatics
- EIT Building, Room 556
- 501-916-5232
- Email: nxwu@ualr.edu
- Website: Wu Research
- EIT Building, Room 552
- 501-916-5233
- Email: xwxu@ualr.edu
- Website
- EIT Building, Room 303
- 501-916-5243
- Email: mqyang@ualr.edu
- Website: https://systemsgenomics.net/
Fadime Ledford
COSMOS Grant Manager
- EIT Building, COSMOS Center, Sixth Floor
- 501-916-5235
- Email: faledford@ualr.edu
- Website: https://www.linkedin.com/in/fadimeledford-14bb55260/
- COSMOS Website: https://cosmos.ualr.edu/
Zach Hendricks
Information Science HEI Coordinator
- EIT Building, Room 550
- 501-916-3951
- Email: zlhendricks@ualr.edu
Shames Al Mandalawi
DCSTEM Graduate Student Advisor
- EIT Building, Room 553
- 501-916-5231
- Email: salmandalaw@ualr.edu