Arkansas law requires the executive head of each state agency to maintain a record of, and be held accountable for, state property under his control. (A.C.A. §19-4-1502) Annual property inventory is how UALR’s campus leadership has decided the university will comply with this requirement.
To organize the annual property inventory process, Financial Services distributes an inventory schedule at the beginning of each fiscal year, which designates when each department is to complete their inventory. Further, monthly reminders are sent out each month to departments scheduled to complete inventory in that particular month. It is imperative that departments adhere to this schedule due to the limited number of scanners available and the increasing amount of UALR inventory that must be scanned. It is also important to timely resolve any exception reports issued once the scanning process is complete.
If for some reason a department cannot complete inventory as scheduled, the inventory manager should contact Emily Gentle (501.569.8630 or as soon as possible so that alternate arrangements can be made.