STEM+C2 Information

STEM+C2 will identify and serve academically promising Grade 2 and 3 students using an evidence-based model of universal screening, teacher talent-spotting, and Gifted, Creative, and Talented Education services in STEM, including Computer Science. Project team members from the University of Arkansas at Little Rock, Adelson Research & Consulting, LLC, and The Pennsylvania State University will collaborate to design, implement, and evaluate STEM+C2 in 30 elementary schools around Arkansas. The project design includes universal screening for all students, identification for gifted and talented, professional development for participating teachers, and curriculum for talent development.

STEM+C2 project expects to increase numbers of students identified as gifted and talented in project schools, increase percentages of identified students served under the program, increase gains on state assessments, and increase the number of educators prepared to better identify and improve instruction for gifted and talented students.

STEM+C2 will serve approximately 1,380 Grade 2 and Grade 3 students, 60 classroom teachers, 30 gifted education specialist teachers, and 30 principals across two Cohorts in 30 Arkansas elementary schools. Cohort 1 will receive project services in Years 1, 2, and 3; Cohort 2 will receive project services in Years 3, 4, and 5.

List of selected schools:

Benefits for participating include the following:

For principals:

  • Increased science and engineering knowledge and computer science awareness among elementary teachers
  • Increased science achievement for the students in your building

For teachers:

  • Engaged students
  • Stipends to attend professional development
  • Curriculum materials that remain with you after you complete your professional development

A limited number of tuition-free courses in Gifted, Creative, and Talented Education at UA Little Rock

Meet the Team

Meet the Advisory Council Members