Qualtrics LLC (“Qualtrics”) has developed a series of proprietary web-based programs that facilitate and automate the process of conducting surveys, polls, intercepts, and reports. With the expansion of a university-wide agreement with Qualtrics, a single site-wide Qualtrics tenant is available to UA Little Rock affiliated users, including current students, faculty, and staff.
Getting Started
UA Little Rock affiliated users that have never created a Qualtrics account in the past can create a new account by going to the following page: ualr.qualtrics.com. From there, users should follow the steps to create the account.
Access to Qualtrics is limited to current UA Little Rock affiliates, including current students, faculty, and staff.
Helpful Links
Dr. Derek Slagle- Director of the Survey Research Center and Qualtrics Brand Ambassador
If you have a technical issue with Qualtrics, please contact IT Services for assistance.