Jon Vickers graduated from UALR in 2006 when Nonprofit Leadership Studies was still called American Humanics, and he currently works as Enrollment Coordinator and Academic Counselor in the Department of Nursing at UALR. “And I’m not going anywhere!” Jon says. “I love my job, and I love the people I work with.”
He credits his internship with the Arkansas Hunger Relief Alliance for helping him acquire many of the skills he has found useful in his current job. Because of the relatively small staff at his internship, he had a wide range of experiences, including web design, writing, public relations, and fundraising. “All of that I use today,” Jon says. “My job has included fundraising for an alumni celebration event, event planning, and public speaking.”
“I also learned from the national conference the nonprofit program requires we attend, and I benefitted from all the networking, what with speakers in our classes from places like the Boys and Girls Clubs, Easter Seals, and many, many others. This program helps you professionally regardless of the sector. I worked with the University of Phoenix for four years, a for-profit organization, and I used the skills I learned from the program.”
Nonprofit Leadership Studies provides opportunities for students to acquire competencies through real-world experience both through internships and through planning fundraising, service, and recruiting events. In Jon’s words, “This program forces you to get out of your box. You learn to call people for money. You plan events. You recruit new students. You get out there. So many college students just stay in their comfort zone, and this program helps you move beyond that.”