Allowable Cost: A cost that is reasonable, allocable to the sponsored program, and consistently treated throughout the institution. The cost must not be previously committed to another project as cost sharing or included in the F&A calculation.
Committed Effort: Percentage of a researcher’s time that has been pledged to a project, regardless of whether the effort is funded by the sponsor or through cost sharing.
Companion Accounts: Restricted accounts that record cost-sharing amounts.
Cost Sharing: Project costs not reimbursed by the sponsor to support the scope of work defined by the sponsored award (Uniform Guidance §200.29).
Direct Costs: Costs that directly benefit and are specifically associated with a sponsored project or program.
Effort: Time spent on any activity by an individual, expressed as a percentage of the individual’s total professional effort. Total effort must always equal 100%.
Facilities and Administrative Costs (F&A): Costs incurred for a common or joint purpose which cannot be identified specifically with a particular sponsored project or instructional activity. Indirect costs include such items as utilities, depreciation, and facilities costs. They are real costs of conducting research, instruction, and training which must be funded by either the sponsor or UA Little Rock. Also known as “Indirect Costs” (IDC).
In-kind Cost Sharing: Third party non-cash contributions of time, talent, or resources donated by third parties for which UA Little Rock is responsible. Third-party in-kind contributions may be in the form of real property, equipment, supplies and other expendable property, or goods and services directly benefiting and specifically designated for the project or program.
Mandatory Cost Sharing: A contribution to a sponsored project or program required by the sponsor as a condition of the award. Such contributions are binding commitments and must be accounted for in accordance with this policy. This type of cost sharing must be included in the proposal budget.
Matching: For the purposes of this Policy, “matching” is a synonym for “cost sharing”.
Over-the-cap Cost Sharing: Portion of a faculty or staff member’s salary that exceeds a regulatory maximum imposed by the sponsor, e.g., the NIH salary cap.
Sponsored Cost Sharing: Commitments that are paid using non-federal sponsored awards at UA Little Rock.
Third-Party In-Kind Contribution: A non-cash cost sharing commitment to a sponsored project by a party other than the institution or the primary sponsor such as facilities or equipment use. Third-party in-kind contributions do not require accounting entries to be made in the accounting system. However, records must be maintained to demonstrate that the full cost sharing commitment was performed.
Unallowable Cost: A cost determined to be unallowable in accordance with the applicable cost principles or other terms and conditions contained in an award.
University Cost Sharing: Commitments that are paid using university funds such as gift, endowment, or other non-sponsored sources.
Unrecovered F&A Costs: The difference between the amount awarded and the amount which could have been awarded under the recipient’s approved negotiated facilities and administrative cost rate.
Voluntary Committed Cost Sharing: Quantified contributions reflected in the proposal narrative, budget, and/or budget justification. These are binding commitments and must be accounted for, in any resulting award, in accordance with this policy. Voluntary Committed Cost Sharing should be included in the proposal budget.
Voluntary Uncommitted Cost Sharing: Contributions not quantified or reflected in the proposal. These are non-binding commitments that do not require documentation or reporting. Voluntary Uncommitted Cost Sharing should not be included in the proposal budget.