Psychology Club

Join the Psychology Club! This is a great way to learn from professional psychologists, improve your resume, and meet other students. Psychology conferences and information sessions can help you learn more about your potential future in psychology.

Meetings are open to all students! Check the schedule.

Become a Member

Signing up for the Psychology Club is easy! All you have to do is subscribe to our listserv. After subscribing you will be included in all communications about the club. Emails go out to announce meetings, volunteer opportunities, and upcoming events. View the full directions to joining the club.

To join the listserv:
Send an email to:
In the body of the email type: Subscribe psychclub first-name last-name
For example John Doe would send: Subscribe psychclub John Doe

If you have any questions, contact the faculty adviser, Dr. Robert Hines, at or 501-916-6119.