Health and Safety – Study Abroad

UA Little Rock Study Abroad takes student health and safety as a top priority. Your behavior and habits are often the most important factor in maintaining your health and safety abroad. Please review the information below regarding health and safety to help inform your decision making while abroad. If you have any additional questions, please contact UA Little Rock Study Abroad.

Health, Immunizations, and Medicine

Upon acceptance into a Study Abroad program, all study abroad students are required to seek clearance from UA Little Rock Health Services by submitting a Questionnaire for Participation in Study Abroad prior to departure. In addition to the clearance, students can visit UA Little Rock Health Services for a free travel visit. Health Services is able to give medical-travel advice, explain immunizations recommendations and requirements, as well as administer vaccinations.

For up-to-date information on global health and safety, please visit the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

Be sure to consult your doctors for any additional medical precautions regarding your personal travel abroad. If you plan to carry prescription medicines abroad, you must bring your medications with official documentation. Each medicine should be in its appropriately labeled container and should be accompanied by the physician’s prescription and generic name. Do NOT mix medications or remove them from their labeled containers. If you have a chronic condition or medical allergy, you should consider ordering a medic alert bracelet from your pharmacist.

Mental Health

It is important to prepare yourself mentally for the experiences you will have during your study abroad program. UA Little Rock Counseling Services is available to help any study abroad student develop a workable plan for managing mental health while abroad. The availability and quality of mental health services abroad varies among countries. If you have a medical or psychological condition that may require treatment while abroad, be sure to discuss this with your doctor prior to departure. Study Abroad is also available to help you determine what mental health services are available in your program location.


Upon acceptance into a Study Abroad program, all study abroad students are required to carry international medical insurance that is valid outside of the U.S. Appropriate coverage is provided through the UA Little Rock Study Abroad Office, or by your chosen study abroad program. It is important that you understand your insurance coverage before you travel so that you can fully benefit from the policy.

US Department of State Travel Warning

Study Abroad does not support student travel, research, or study in countries that are under a level 3/4 Travel Advisory issued by the US Department of State. For a list of current Travel Advisory, please visit