Interested in composting but don’t have the resources at home? Do you need help getting started? Consider participating in the Compost Bucket Program at the UA Little Rock Campus Garden.
Simply take a bucket home to collect food scraps, then drop off the full bucket at one convenient location, accessible 24 hours per day, 7 days per week. The compost bucket shelf is located in front of the University Police station at 3340 Fair Park Boulevard, directly across from U.S. Pizza. The Campus Garden will use these scraps in cultivating new crops for the campus and for our community!
Here’s what goes in the compost bin:
- Food scraps from fruits, vegetables, cheese, grains (excluding avocado seeds)
- Coffee grounds and filters
- Tea bags (no staples, please)
The organic matter decomposes naturally and provides the Campus Garden with a nutrient-dense mixture which will replenish the soil of lost minerals and nutrients used by the year-round vegetable production.
For questions about the composting program or to learn more about how to get involved, email
We Appreciate Your Help!