

Environmental Health and Safety Department tracks and safely disposes of all hazardous, universal, and non‐regulated chemical waste.

Dining Services

  • Does not use trays in its dining service operations.
  • Offers vegan and vegetarian dining options for every meal.
  • Does not use trans-fats or ingredients that include trans-fats in its dining operations.
  • Sells reusable mugs.
  • Sells reusable food containers.
  • See Sodexo for more information.

Energy and Climate

  • UA Little Rock has an energy manager.
  • Low-flow showerheads and faucet aerators are used.
  • The new EIT building has an HVAC condensate reclaim collection system which is reused in the cooling tower as part of its LEED design.
  • Some use of timers and sensors on campus to control lighting and HVAC settings.
  • Some low flow exhaust hoods have been installed in labs.
  • Some reflective roofs have been installed.
  • See the Physical Plant site for more information.


Coleman Creek Greenway Project has been implemented which will clean up and restore the natural habitat along the Coleman Creek area.

Materials, Recycling, and Waste Minimization

  • UA Little Rock has a recycling manager.
  • UA Little Rock has a recycling program that includes annual electronics recycling.
  • The Marketing and Redistribution program coordinates the exchange and reuse of surplus department or office supplies.
  • UA Little Rock offers online alternatives in place of hard-copy distribution of university materials, such as course catalogs, registration, and directories.


Ninety-eight percent of IT equipment, much of our scientific equipment, and all copier purchases go through Arkansas State Cooperative Contracts, which require ENERGY STAR products.

All Apple and Dell computers are Gold or Silver EPEAT-rated (Electronic Product Environmental Assessment Tool).


The university fleet includes five electric vehicles.