Mark Hartmann Fellowship
The Mark Hartmann Student Fieldwork in Anthropology Fellowship is a financial award to help anthropology students conduct anthropological field research and training. Student applicants may use the award for projects in any subfield of anthropology, and it may be used for fieldwork anywhere in the world. Expenses covered by the award may include, but are not limited to, tuition and related travel expenses.
Each year, the recipient’s name is engraved on the Hartmann Memorial Plaque which is permanently displayed in the office. Recipients are also invited to a college awards ceremony where they will be formally recognized and presented the award.
How to Apply
All UA Little Rock anthropology majors are eligible to apply!
Most successful applicants plan their fieldwork project well in advance. We encourage you to talk to the Anthropology Program faculty members about the possibilities.
The proposal should include:
- dates, location, and program of the fieldwork *
- role of the project in your educational plans and future directions
- a plan for communicating the experience in ways that promote the anthropology program.**
- a budget that details actual and estimated costs of participation (include the costs of the field project and any associated travel)
In most years we have at least $1,500 to award. Depending on the program you want to attend, you may be also eligible for study abroad scholarships or financial aid to help cover any costs above what this fund has available.

Jessi Perren in Belize
*Be sure to include relevant information about acceptance into a program and/or permission to do research. If it’s a field school, for example, have you applied and been accepted? If not, when will you know?
**We require a poster presentation and something we can put on our website. It is nice to have photographs we can display.
Award Obligations: Giving Back and Showing Thanks
Award recipients must write a handwritten personal letter of appreciation to each of the donors prior to disbursement and are expected to send a second letter (preferably with a photo) after the fieldwork describing the experience. Award winners also must share their experience with other anthropology students and the public by giving a talk, writing something for our website, having a photo show, making a video, or some other approved way to let the world know what you learned and gained personally from the fieldwork.
Previous Hartmann Fellows
2023 – Maria Elkhattabi and M. Paige Blair
2022 – Adam Orr, Aaron Eller, and Jonathan Wyatt
2021 – Angie Hoaglin: Archaeology Field School through the University of Nebraska-Lincoln at Reller prairie Research Station
2019 – Noah Currey: Archaeological field school at “La Biagiola” in Tuscany, Italy
2018 – Rhouis Allen: Archaeology Field School in Coconino National Forest, AZ
2017 – Hannah Dorsey: Biological Anthropology work at ADBOU
2016 – Dea Garrison: Bioarchaeology Field Training – Lost Churches Project – Medieval Funerary Excavation in Romania, Europe
2015 – Allie Griffin: Ethnographic field school in Malta, Europe
2014 – Anna Jones: Archaeological field school in Missouri.
2013 – Mackie O’Hara: Paleoanthropological field school in South Africa, Swartkrans, South African National Heritage Site
2012 – Susanne Crouch: Archaeological field school in Alabama
2011 – Leigh Anne James: Archaeological field school in Peru
2010 – Lyndsay Ballew: Arkansas Archeological Society Training Program, Toltec Mounds State Park
2010 – Samantha Smith: Forensic Field School, University of Tennessee
2009 – Jessi Perren: archaeological and ethnoarchaeological field project at the ancient Maya site of El Pilar, Belize