Provost survey

Dear Campus Community,

As your new chancellor, I want to thank you for all of your warm wishes and expressions of support over the last several days. I truly appreciate your spirit of optimism and encouragement. I am confident that with your able assistance, we will meet the challenges ahead of us and build strength and distinction for UA Little Rock.

In order to move forward in a timely fashion, it will be necessary for me to act quickly to appoint a new provost. Before I make that appointment I would like to hear from you about what you would like to see in the next provost. What is important to you? At the link below you will find a short two-question survey asking you to share your thoughts on this appointment. This will be an internal appointment. Your responses will be anonymous. Please respond by 5:00 pm Friday, September 20.

Thank you, and I look forward to hearing from you.

Christy Drale

Posted in: Messages

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