Budget update

Dear Campus Community,

In December, I shared with you our budget schedule for this year and announced the first of three rounds of cuts for fiscal year 2020 (our current budget year). As you may recall, our immediate goal is to balance our operating budget this year to make up for the revenue shortfall from a 9% decline in enrollment.

Today, I am announcing the second-round cuts, which total $1,520,801. The attached document, titled “FY20 Second Round Cuts,” indicates the budget adjustments we will be making this month. As in the first round, an itemized list of eliminated positions is provided at the end of the document. I should also note that several of these cuts are for FY20 only and will not carry over into FY21. An example of this would be the utility savings. We will put this sum back into our FY21 budget because we do not know whether these savings will be the same for next year.

With this second round of cuts, we will be at $3.3 million in cuts so far this year. We will continue to work toward balancing our overall net position, but balancing the FY20 budget is the first step.

Thank you for your continued support.

Christina S. Drale | Chancellor

Posted in: Messages

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