Adaptive Technology for Students With Learning Disabilities

Site Licenses Available:

If a computer in a departmental lab is not accessible for a student who needs to use it, contact the Disability Resource Center at 501-916-3143 to determine if the license is available and system is compatible. More specific location information is provided at the bottom of this page.

Screen Reader with Study Aids

Brand Name: TextHelp

Description: An easy-to-use support tool that gives students extra help with reading, writing, math, and science.

Location on Campus: A free Google extension for anyone with an email.

Document Reader and Screen Magnification

Brand Name: MAGic

Description: Text-to-speech software that uses synthesized speech to read what is on the screen or on the clipboard (it is not as powerful as a screen reader)

Location on Campus: A site license is available and may be MAGic installed in the Assistive Technology Lab in the Ottenheimer Library.

Screen Magnification

Brand Name: OS Accessibility Menus; MAGic *

Description: Software that allows for enlargement on the screen

Location on Campus: A site license is available and may be MAGic installed in the Assistive Technology Lab in the Ottenheimer Library.

Optical Character Recognition (OCR) Software (used with a scanner)

Brand Name: OrbitNote

Description: Create an accessible, dynamic, and collaborative space that works for everyone. Includes features such as: converting PDFs to an accessible format and live commenting.

Location on Campus: A free Google extension for anyone with an email as part of TextHelp.

Voice Recognition

Brand Name: Dragon Naturally Speaking; MacSpeech Dictate

Description: Software that allows one to dictate to the computer, which recognizes and digitizes one’s voice

Location on Campus: Library Lab; DRC laptop

Dictionary, Thesaurus, and Calculators

Brand Name: Franklin Dictionary and Thesaurus

Description: Small portable devices that have synthesized speech output

Location on Campus: DRC (available to check out)

Other Adaptive Technology pages

Introduction to Adaptive Technology
Adaptive Technology for Students Who are Blind or have Low Vision
Adaptive Technologies for Students Who are Deaf or Hard of Hearing
Adaptive Technology for Students Who Have Mobility Disabilities