
UA Little Rock complies with Export Control regulations. The institution and individuals who fail to comply can face serious consequences. Penalties, either willful or “mistaken” (not conscious of the mistake), could include a steep monetary fine and/or imprisonment. It is imperative for the UA Little Rock community to understand their obligations under these regulations and to work with Export Control prior to entertaining visitors from foreign countries, making international travel plans, hiring foreign nationals, and utilizing equipment and information. Make your best effort to comply and show due diligence in these matters to ensure that you and the university comply with the regulations.

Actual Cases of Noncompliance

Video Resources

  • The Game of Pawns: The “Game of Pawns: The Glenn Duffie Shriver Story” video dramatizes the incremental steps taken by intelligence officers to recruit Shriver and convince him to apply for jobs with the U.S. State Department and the Central Intelligence Agency.
  • Nevernight: Brand new movie, just published – inspired by the case of former CIA officer Kevin Mallory—details the fictional account of a former U.S. Intelligence Community official who was targeted by China via a fake profile on a professional networking site and recruited to turn over classified information before being arrested. The FBI and NCSC seek to raise awareness of this issue and help individuals in the private sector, academic and research communities, and other U.S. government agencies guard against this threat posed by foreign intelligence services.
  • The Company Man: As part of a nationwide campaign to raise awareness of the growing economic espionage threat, the FBI has released a short video, “The Company Man: Protecting America’s Secrets.” Based on an actual case, the video illustrates how one company was targeted by foreign actors and what the FBI did to help.
