• Jami Hollingsworth
    College of Education and Health Professions Jami Hollingsworth, Senior Instructor in the School of Counseling, Human Performance, and Rehabilitation Ms. Hollingsworth regularly teaches ASL…  
  • Michael T. DeAngelis
    Donaghey College of Engineering and Information Technology Michael T. DeAngelis, Associate Professor of Earth Sciences Dr. DeAngelis teaches courses in physical geology, field geology,…  
  • Terrence Cain
    William H. Bowen School of Law Terrence Cain, Associate Professor of Law Professor Cain teaches courses in civil liberties, criminal law, conflict of laws,…  
  • Jim Vander Putten
    College of Education and Health Professions Jim Vander Putten, Associate Professor of Higher Education, School of Education Dr. Vander Putten’s recent research focuses on…  
  • Mariofanna Milanova
    Donaghey College of Engineering and Information Technology Mariofanna Milanova, Professor of Computer Science Dr. Milanova’s research in artificial intelligence and machine learning has been…  
  • Nicholas Kahn-Fogel
    William H. Bowen School of Law Nicholas Kahn-Fogel, Associate Professor of Law Professor Kahn-Fogel’s criminal procedure scholarship focuses on the Fourth Amendment and on…  
  • Heidi Skurat Harris
    College of Social Sciences and Communication Heidi Skurat Harris, Associate Professor of Rhetoric and Writing Dr. Skurat Harris is the editor of the Bedford…