Arkansas Blue Cross and Blue Shield Dental
P O Box 1460
Little Rock, AR 72203
Phone: 501-378-6925
Arkansas Federal Credit Union (AFCU)
Mailing Address:
P.O. Box 9
Jacksonville, AR 72078
Phone: 501-982-1000
Arkansas Public Employees Retirement System (APERS)
One Union National Plaza
124 W. Capitol, Suite 400
Little Rock, AR 72201
Phone: 501-682-7800 or 800-682-7377
Fax: 501-682-7840
Arkansas Teacher Retirement System (APERS)
1400 West Third Street
Little Rock, AR 72201
Phone: 501-682-1517 or 800-666-2877
Fax: 501-682-2359
COBRA Coverage
106 Decker Court, Suite 200
Irving, TX 75062
Phone: (877) 722-2667
Fax: (877) 353-2948
Employee Assistance Program (EAP)
Freeway Medical Tower
5800 West 10th Street, Suite 601
Little Rock, AR 72204
Phone: 501-686-2588 or 800-542-6021
Fax: 501-686-2576
FIDELITY Investments
Institutional Operations
P.O. BOX 77000
Cincinnati, OH 45277-0090
Phone: 800-343-0860
Internal Revenue Service
Phone: 800-829-1040
Liberty Mutual
Group Auto/Homeowners Insurance
200 North Bowman Road, Suite 8
Little Rock, AR 72211
Phone: 800-207-7001
Fax: 501-228-7156
Phone: 800-788-2949
Metlife (Critical Illness Insurance)
Metropolitan Life
Insurance Company
Scranton, PA 18505-9972
Phone: 800-438-6388
Public Employee Claims Division
1200 West Third Street
Little Rock, AR 72201-1904
Phone: 501-371-2700
Social Security Administration
700 W. Capitol Street
RM 1433 Federal Bldg.
Little Rock, AR 72201
Phone: 501-324-5827 or 800-772-1213
TTY: 501-324-7187
9 am to 4 pm Mon-Fri
10825 Financial Centre Parkway, Suite 105
Little Rock, AR 72211
Phone: 800-380-6427
UMR – Medical
P. O. BOX 8052
Wausau, WI 54402-8052
Phone: 888-438-6105
P. O. BOX 8022
Wausau, WI 54402-8022
Phone: 888-438-6105
Fax: 877-390-4782