Storm Damage Emergency Leave

Benefit-eligible employees who suffered direct loss or substantial damage to their principal place of residence due to the March 31st storms may be granted up to 40 hours of emergency paid leave.  The paid leave is available only for employees residing in Pulaski, Lonoke, or Cross County (the counties in the officially declared disaster area) and only upon campus certification of loss and approval of leave.  The paid leave is in addition to annual or other accrued leave and does not result in a reduction in accrued leave.

Benefit-eligible employees participating in disaster relief services following the March 31st tornadoes may be granted up to 15 days of paid leave.  The paid leave is in addition to annual or other accrued leave and does not result in a reduction in accrued leave. To be eligible for the disaster service leave, an employee must meet all three criteria:

  • Be trained and certified as a disaster service volunteer by the American Red Cross and;
  • Have specialized disaster relief services that are requested by the American Red Cross and;
  • Obtain consent from their campus Chancellor.

For more information or to apply for either or both emergency leaves, please contact the Department of Human Resources at 501-916-3180 or You may access the request form and upload the requested documentation here.