Chancellor Andrew Rogerson announced the University of Arkansas at Little Rock will revise its logo and its abbreviated name in an effort to emphasize its ties to the city of Little Rock.

Original logo

Revised logo
Announcement from Chancellor Rogerson
I have already spoken with many of you about the desire to change our university’s abbreviated name from UALR to UA Little Rock. While our official name remains the University of Arkansas at Little Rock, UA Little Rock represents one of our institution’s greatest strengths, our location in Arkansas’s capital city. This new name also corresponds with our Athletic Department’s name change a year ago to Little Rock Trojans. UA Little Rock also reflects the university’s commitment and long-standing partnership and service to our community – Little Rock and central Arkansas. For out-of-state student and employee recruitment and other initiatives, having a name that represents the location of our university is also an advantage.
Please join me in welcoming and embracing our new short-form name, UA Little Rock. As members of the UA Little Rock family, you will be key in helping to spread this announcement and the successful transition to this name. The name change necessitates a revision of our logo from the UALR initials to UA Little Rock, which I am excited to share with you in this email. The creative work on the logo revision is a collective effort by graphic designers in the Office of Communications and Marketing and the Department of Art. I applaud them on this new design, which retains our same colors and elements from the UALR logo.
We will roll out our name change and updated logo in a responsible way that will not create budget concerns. The new logo was created at no cost. The Office of Communications and Marketing is developing the revised graphic identity guidelines now with messaging to support these changes. When complete, the standards will be placed on the university website and shared with you in the coming weeks.
I urge you to continue to use your existing brochures, business cards, promotional items, and other UALR branded items until your supplies are exhausted. When it is time to reorder or produce new materials, please refer to the new graphic standards and consult with the Communications and Marketing staff for help. We will approach other changes, such as signage, in the same responsible manner.
For now, let’s celebrate our new name and logo.
Go UA Little Rock – and Go Little Rock Trojans!
Andrew Rogerson