Connor Young, BS Computer Science

Connor Young headshotConnor Young is a Ph. D. student in Computer and Information Sciences specializing in computer vision, machine learning, and cybersecurity. He received his B.S. in Computer Science with a minor in Psychology at UA Little Rock in 2016.

As an undergraduate he helped establish the Cybersecurity Club, focusing on network and firewall security. Since then, he has also gained experience in reverse engineering and file forensics through various cybersecurity competitions. Through the Summer Undergraduate Program for Entrepreneurship and Research, he conducted research on automatic emotion recognition and gaze estimation under Dr. Mariofanna Milanova.

As a graduate student he has taught several courses at UA Little Rock, including Introduction to Assembly Language, Database Concepts, and Operating Systems. Through this, he has found enjoyment through creating and sharing learning content. In 2018, he was brought on by the Emerging Analytics Center as a graduate research student, where he is currently working. His research has focused primarily on applying computer vision to non-photon based sensors, such as X-ray scanners.

Areas of Expertise: 

Computer Vision
Machine Learning
Image Processing

