Angela Hunter, PhD

Phone: 501-916-3161

Educational Background

Ph.D. Comparative Literature (certificate in Psychoanalytic Studies), Emory University (2004)
M.A. French Literature, New York University (1997)
B.A. with honors in Comparative Literature (minor in Women Studies), Colorado College (1994)

Areas of Focus

Comparative Literature; History of Feminist Philosophy; Literary Theory; Translation; Gender Studies

Research Interests

I’m currently writing an article on the work of 18th-century feminist philosopher Louise Dupin as well as a historical fiction project about salons in 18th-century Paris.

Selected Publications

2023 Louise Dupin’s Work on Women: Selections, co-edited and co-translated with Rebecca Wilkin. New Histories of Philosophy series, Oxford University Press.

Forthcoming: “L’idée salique selon Louise Dupin.” with Rebecca Wilkin. In Philosophies : Féminin pluriel. Anthologie des femmes philosophes (editor, Anne-Lise Ray), Classiques Garnier.

Forthcoming: translation (with Michael Johnson) of Henri Thomas’ novel, Le Parjure. In Perjury: A Critical Edition (editor, Martin McQuillan). Rowman and Littlefield.

2011 “Reading, Marks, Love: Rousseau, Stendhal, Baudelaire”, Oxford Literary Review, vol 33.1, 2011.

2010 “Invito Spectatore: Scenes of Love in the Lettre à d’Alembert sur les spectacles,” Romance Notes, 50 (2), Winter 2010

2009 “The Unfinished Work on Louise Marie-Madeleine Dupin’s Unfinished Ouvrage sur les femmes,” Eighteenth-Century Studies, Vol. 43(1), Fall 2009

2008 “Signs of Reading and the Subject of Love in Stendhal’s De l’Amour.” Nineteenth-Century French Studies, 36.3-4

2007 “Rousseau’s Queer Bottom: Sexual Difference in the Confessions.” Volume XXXIV of French Literature Series. Rodopi Press

2005 “Where to Place Feminine Sexuality?: (Re)reading Encore.” Review Essay on Reading Seminar XX: Lacan’s Major Work on Love, Knowledge and Feminine Sexuality (SUNY, 2004). In Journal of Lacanian Studies