Banner form FGIBAVL (Budget Availability Status) allows you to query a FOAPAL’s available balance. (A FOAPAL is the combination of Fund, Organization, Account, Program, and Activity codes.) To check a FOAPAL’s available balance, enter in the Fund, Organization, Account, and Program codes that you want to query into the the appropriate blanks in the header of the form. The control keys section will show what pool the FOAPAL belongs to and the bottom section will show your available balances.
One of FGIBAVLs features is that if there are incomplete documents in the system, such as back charges, requisitions, invoices, or other documents, the pending documents field is checked. These documents use up budget but have not fully posted yet. To view the documents, click on the account number you want to see, then click options from the menu and pending documents (or F3 on your keyboard). This will bring up the transaction in process status form (FGITINP), which will show the documents and their status.
For more information on budget availability please refer to: Understanding Your Organization Budget
As always, if you need further assistance feel free to contact Financial Services at 501.569.3318 or visit our website at