In order to close out FY16, it is requested that all invoices, receivers, purchase order releases, and TR-1’s be forwarded to our office no later than 5 p.m. on June 23. If items are received in the department after this date, please process them as soon as possible.
Invoices received in Accounts Payable after June 23 will still be posted in FY16 if services were rendered or goods were received on or before the close of FY16. However, any invoices received after July 15 will be posted to FY17, even if services were rendered or goods were received in FY16. Please do not hold any invoices.
For those departments currently sending their receivers to Financial Services to be processed, all receivers must be initialed and dated with the date the goods were received. This is especially important during the months of June and July.
Departments currently entering their own receivers electronically should have all of them entered by 5 p.m. on June 30. After June 30 at 5 p.m., departments will not be able to process receivers electronically; they will need to be forwarded to Financial Services for processing. Departments can resume entering receivers electronically for FY17 on July 18.
Please check all invoices that are forwarded to Accounts Payable to make sure they include the correct purchase order numbers. Invoices with incorrect or missing purchase order numbers will delay the payment process. If you have any questions or concerns, you may contact Vanessa Whitman at 501.569.8617 or
Thank you for helping us better serve your department and closing out the fiscal year.