Students and faculty participate in US Air Force Research Laboratory “Summer at Tec^Edge” Four UALR students and three UALR faculty members participated in a 10-week summer workshop at the Wright Brothers Institute in Dayton, Ohio, sponsored by the US Air Force Research Laboratory (AFRL) at the Wright Patterson Air Force Base. Students Christopher Heien, Isaac Osesina, and Yinle Zhou, from the UALR Information Quality Graduate Program and Engin Mendi from the UALR Computer Science Department teamed with some 90 students and faculty from other US universities and AFRL personnel and contractors to work on 12 AFRL research themes.
Called “Summer at Tec^Edge” (SATE) by its director, Dr. Rob Williams, it is an open -innovation project that brings students, faculty, and AFRL personnel together for intense collaboration in a non-classified environment. The UALR students and faculty worked on the “4-D Information Quality” team led by Dr. Rhonda Vickery from Mississippi State University. The team focused on ways to visualize surveillance information in 3 dimensions plus the time dimension (hence 4-D) and to develop information quality tools for surveillance data sets. UALR faculty mentors who worked with the students in Dayton were Dr. Edi Tudoreanu and Dr. John Talburt from the UALR Information Science Department and Dr. Mariofanna Milanova from the UALR Computer Science Department. The 4DIQ Team presented its results in a poster session at the SATE Open House on August 6, 2009. Some of their accomplishments include developing a combination objective-subjective framework for video quality assessment, using geo-located Twitter message traffic as a sensor layer, migration of the NASA WorldWind geographic rendering system into the UALR CAVE environment, and conversion of several data source interfaces to the AFRL Layered Sensor Table (LST) system from C# to Java. The UALR team also contributed to the CityBeat, Calamityville, and Gotcha! team projects.