Students Can Now Checkout Laptops and Webcams!

UA Little Rock is committed to providing a safe and healthy learning space for its students to continue with their education during the coronavirus pandemic. As part of our efforts to support the increase in online learning, the Care Team and Ottenheimer Library will distribute a limited number of laptops that can be borrowed at no cost for the fall 2020 semester. A few webcams are also available for checkout.

These computers can only be reserved by currently enrolled students who do not have a device available to complete coursework. Should you need a computer, please complete the Care Team Self-Referral form at

A member of the Care Team will contact you to discuss your technology needs. After the Care Team consultation, you will be able to sign up for your scheduled laptop pick-up beginning 8/21 at Ottenheimer Library. Additional information is available at Email with questions.

For students who may be registering late, we recommend you consider checking out a laptop if you have online courses and do not own a desktop or laptop computer. Please do not plan on using a cell phone. We are aware that some instructors have sent messages about required minimum technology needs making things like Chromebooks and cell phones not appropriate for class but double check with your instructor’s syllabi.

  1. Complete Care Team Self-Referral
  2. Communicate with Care Team member (Heather Reed)
  3. Complete the Library form
  4. Pick up laptop from Ottenheimer Library.
Posted in: Psychology News

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