Behavioral Intervention Team (BIT)

Behavioral Intervention Team logoThe mission of the Behavioral Intervention Team (BIT) is to provide a proactive and supportive approach in the identification and intervention of problematic behavior that raises concerns within the university community. BIT, composed of members of the UA Little Rock community, assesses reports of concerning behavior and determines appropriate interventions, referrals, and strategies. Please note: BIT works independently of and is not directly connected to the UA Little Rock student disciplinary or university threat assessment processes.

As you interact with members of the university community, you may become aware of or observe students who display behavior that is of concern, which includes threats to self or others, intimidating actions, changes in student’s appearance and attitude, etc. To refer a distressed student, complete and submit to the Behavioral Intervention Team Report Form. The effectiveness of this process hinges on your commitment to reporting concerns.

For more information, please call 501-916-3328, email, or visit our office in the Donaghey Student Center, Room 215.

Richard E. Harper, II
Dean of Students/BIT Chairperson