The UA Little Rock Student Chapter of the Association for Computing Machinery will host a presentation by Mr. Jason Zak.
From the professional gaming industry to the Emerging Analytics Center, Jason Zak is well seasoned as a graphic designer. The ACM will host Mr. Zak’s presentation on his background, his work as a professional graphic designer in the gaming industry, as well as his current work at UA Little Rock. Mr. Zak received a BFA from The Art Institute of Phoenix in Game Art & Design and a BFA from the New York Institute of Technology in Computer Animation. He is responsible for art content across multiple project platforms including browser-based games, Xbox Live, PC downloadable, Nintendo DS, Nintendo Wii, IOS, and Android systems. Mr. Zak also teaches 3D Game Development Modeling and Software Principles of UX/UI for the Department of Computer Science.
Join us on Monday, April 11, at 5 pm in person in EIT 417 or virtually: