Dear Campus Community,
The Aug. 1 go live date for the new time and attendance system has been postponed. During the last week, we have received an influx of requests from departments regarding the manager approval structure in TimeClock Plus (TCP). Therefore, a decision has been made to delay implementation to ensure success of this project and to accommodate the request of these departments. We anticipate announcing the new go live date on Tuesday, Aug. 2.
Although the date has been delayed, we encourage employees and managers to log in and familiarize themselves with the new system. Specifically, we ask managers to verify that they are able to see all of their employees in TCP that they currently approve time for in Banner. If you cannot log into TCP or do not see all of your respective employees, please contact the Payroll Office immediately.
Finally, additional training sessions will be available in August for employees who have not been able to attend the training. Although we strongly encourage faculty to attend training sessions to familiarize themselves with the new system, it will not be required for those that use a departmental timekeeper. However, if a faculty member is a manager who will be approving time, that approver/supervisor will still need to attend manager training.. Resources are also available on the TCP website, including useful FAQs.
Once again, we appreciate the valuable input we have received from the pilot group as well as from employees and managers during the training sessions. We are confident that this will result in a successful transition to our new time and attendance system.
If you have questions or concerns, we invite you to submit them through our TCP portal or contact Linda Johnson (, 501.569.8644) or Katrina Christopher (, 501.569.8452) directly.
UALR Time and Attendance System Implementation Team