Information Asset, LLC a growing company specializing in providing professional services around data governance, was one of several technology companies participating in the Donaghey College of Engineering and Information Technology (EIT) Career Fair held February 11, 2016. However, Information Asset went a step farther this year. On February 10th, the day before the Career Fair, Mr. Jae Lee, Manager at Information Asset, LLC hosted a lunch-and-learn session for 25 students in the Information Quality Program. During the session, Mr. Lee explained the fundamental concepts of data governance from a practitioner’s point of view.
Mr. Lee has been working with the company since 2014. His role focuses on different aspects of data governance such as helping clients understand the data governance framework, assessing the current state of their data governance practice, and working with them to develop and implement best practices in data governance and advanced analytics.
“There is no doubt that we are seeing an increased demand for graduates who understand information quality and governance,” said Dr. John Talburt, the Information Quality Program Coordinator. “Companies really are beginning to view their data and information as critical corporate asset. This has brought more focus on data management and governance, and also more demand for people who understand these principles and policies. In partnering with companies like Information Asset, UALR can help satisfy this demand, and at the same time, give our students the chance to explore the job roles available to them upon graduation.”
“Connecting students and industry is what makes our graduates stand out and these lunch and learn events provide an opportunity for students to see how their education aligns with actual practice.” said Dr. Lawrence Whitman, Dean of the UALR Donaghey College of Engineering and Information Technology. “Student awareness of Information Asset and what they do makes their educational experience even better.” added Dean Whitman.
Established in 2006 by the UALR Donaghey College of Engineering and Information Technology (EIT) in collaboration with the Massachusetts Institute of Technology Information Quality (MIT IQ) Program, the UALR Information Quality Graduate Program is dedicated to promoting state of the art curriculum in information quality education, contributing new ideas to the information quality knowledge base, and establishing information quality partnerships with the community, government, and industry. The Program is one of its kind in the USA and is sponsored by the UALR Information Science Department.