If experiencing an emergency, stay calm and call 911 or 501-916-3400 if on campus.
For immigration emergencies after hours, call UA Little Rock Public Safety at 501-916-3400 and Public Safety will contact the appropriate international student advisor.
Emergency Departure from US
If needed, leave the U.S. to attend to an emergency at home. If possible, receive a travel signature on your I-20 during business hours. If you are leaving quickly without a signature, email an International Student Services (ISS) advisor when possible.
Always contact an ISS advisor before withdrawing from classes. Learn more about Authorized Early Withdrawal.
Emergency Resources
What to do in a medical emergency
Find detailed emergency procedures.
How to use your medical insurance
Find information on downloading your card or filing a claim.
Mental health
Visit Counseling Services at SSC 119 or call 501-916-3185
Keep your local Emergency Contact Up-to-Date
Always keep your BOSS account up-to-date with a reliable, local emergency contact.
Campus alert notification
Sign up for campus alert notification to receive information on emergency situations happening on campus.