Based on a faculty focus group last year, established an ongoing Faculty Planning Group. This group met three times in FY 2013-14, and has provided helpful information on various topics. Effort was made to obtain representation from across campus. Now that the restructuring has taken place, will reevaluate to ensure we have broad representation.
CADA purchases include microscope for Biology with a built-in 5-inch color LED screen, along with a large monitor to use as needed for students with either vision disabilities or posture limitations; 3D scanner and printer for Earth Sciences for printing rock and fossil textures that would otherwise be impossible for blind students to detect; partial funding for Director to attend AHEAD conference; and automatic doors for several offices in Student Services Center and DSC 215.
Collaborated with Mark Vaughn on making improvements to the existing Adaptive Technology Lab in the library, as well as on the new plans for the first floor, to ensure adequate space, technology and staffing for the AT lab in that configuration.
DRC accommodation budget was increased by $27,000 (transferred by Extended Programs). Streamlining payment source for captioning videos reduces administrative workload.
Arkansas Code § 25-26-201 addresses accessibility of information technology for blind users. DRC staff met with Purchasing, Information Technology Services, and UALR’s attorney to discuss the best way to proceed with developing policy and procedures at UALR. Work in this area will continue into next fiscal year.
Researched the various aspects of planning accessible meetings, and made it available on our website (, and promoted it in our employee e-newsletter. This site includes a WordPress form to request interpreters or transcribers for campus events.
Heading up project with Association on Higher Education and Disabiity to film professionals in the field discussing content on such areas as best practices in documentation requirements, helpful disability history activities, and talking to faculty in their own language.