One of the main functions of the Office of Study Abroad is to assist UA-Little Rock faculty with developing and executing short-term study abroad experiences. More than half of the students who study abroad at UA-Little Rock elect to go on a faculty-led study abroad experience, so it is essential that we provide high quality, high impact experiences.
The Office of Study Abroad is happy to work with faculty throughout the program development process. We suggest reviewing the best practices for developing and leading short-term study abroad trips by the Forum on Education Abroad.
The faculty-led proposal can be found at Current UA-Little Rock faculty and staff can log-in with their NetId and password to complete the online proposal.Once your proposal is complete, you can submit the proposal, with the signature form to the Office of Study Abroad for approval. Programs should not be advertised or promoted until the program is approved. Deadlines for Faculty-led proposals are as follows: Fall Trips, March 15; Spring Break, July 15; and Summer, October 15
In fall 2017, the Study Abroad Advisory Committee developed a list of Faculty Responsibilities for developing and executing these programs.
If you have an interest in developing a short-term study abroad program, serving on the Study Abroad Advisory Committee, or have general questions about study abroad, please do not hesitate to reach out to us.