Guidelines for Off-Campus Duty Assignments

An off-campus duty assignment is an appointment, usually away from the campus, which allows eligible faculty and administrators to pursue an approved project while being relieved of teaching and administrative duties. The purpose is to enhance the individual’s value to the institution.

Faculty members (including research faculty and extension personnel) and non-classified administrators who have completed six years of continuous full-time employment with the university or who have completed six years of continuous full-time service since a previous off-campus duty assignment may apply for an off-campus duty assignment. See full policy at Off-Campus Duty Assignments – 402.41.

Stage 1: Before You Submit​

Applicants must fulfill the following requirements to qualify to apply for OCDA:

  1. Served six continuous years at UA Little Rock.
  2. Served six continuous years at UA Little Rock since the last off-campus duty assignment.

Note: Review the full OCDA policy at Off-Campus Duty Assignments – 402.41.

Stage 2: Forms Required for OCDA Request

  1. To Request OCDA, use the Off-Campus Duty Assignment Request Form.
  2. Your department chair or school or program director must complete the Departmental Impact Statement Form for OCDAs.
  3. Evaluation rubric and process.

Stage 3: Timetable for Off-Campus Duty Assignment Requests

Activity Completion Date
1. Eligible Faculty member completes OCDA form and submits to their department/unit. Date to be established by department/unit*
2. Department acts on the application and forwards the recommendation to college dean. Date to be established by college/school/library
3. Dean acts on applications and forwards recommendations to provost. December 12, 2024
4. Provost acts on applications and alerts the applicant of recommendation. Provost forwards recommendations to chancellor. Varies (early in the Spring semester)
5. Chancellor acts on applications and forwards recommendations to University of Arkansas System president. Typically end of February
6. President acts on applications and OCDA is approved or disapproved. Typically in March

*The OCDA process begins in the Fall semester and concludes in the Spring semester.

Stage 4: Form Required for Reporting during/after OCDA

  1. You must complete the OCDA Report Form (Quarterly and Final)during or after your OCDA.
  2. The completed report should be submitted to the department chair and the college dean. The dean’s office will submit it to the Provost’s office. Failure to meet the stated goals of the OCDA application will be documented in the following year’s faculty annual review process.

*The forms included on this site are the most up-to-date and must be used. All other versions are obsolete.

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